Follow-up on Jordan Valley story;

Following up on the Jordan Valley story of yesterday, this
text appeared on my email log this morning;

Anybody who wants to know what Israel is planning for the Jordan
Valley just needs to drive to the Galil via the Valley. Just south of
Bet Shean, more or less on the Green Line, is one of the massive 30-
odd border crossings being quietly constructed. It’s almost on par
with Machsom Erez in size and sophistication.

One of the arguments for Israel “not needing” the Valley is the peace
agreement with Jordan – there is indeed a lot of security cooperation
with them, but the day is bound to come when the Hashemite Beduin
regime is overthrown by the Palestinian majority (which comprises 60-
80% of the Jordanian population, depending on whose stats you

And this email came after it;

I’m baffled at the failure of Israelis to grasp what crime is being committed before our open but uncomprehending eyes. We must come to grips with the reality of an overall and sickening plan, and deal with it accordingly!

The Holy Land is being dealt away in bits and pieces rather than deJudaicized all at once. That’s the goal: the END of a Jewish homeland. Why? To prevent Israel-wide realization that specific local politicians are determined to end the existence of Judaism and its refined adherents. They’d rather rule a pile of corpses and join hands with lively oisvorfen. I don’t know words in Spanish, English or Ivrit that mean oisvorfen. Ask a Yiddish speaker for a translation.

As Rice (and every State Department head before her did) pursues DEAD WRONG policies at our expense, as alleged representatives of Jewish Israeli concerns pursue demented dreams of G’d-free behavior, we are being deluded by a slow but sure process of ending ALL Jewish life. The perpetrators appreciate what the masses of Israelis, no matter their level of Jewish observanc, would do once they acknowledge the nefarious goal of these monsters.

And imagine what Diaspora Jews would do, once they admit the truth.

The truth is being murdered by Jew-hating blogs, news bureaus, radio shows and television that drown out pro-Israel voices.

The Jew-haters are succeeding by proceeding in sleight-of-hand ways, by garnering and wielding power at the expense of innocent lives.The subtlety can be ended, and so can those evil efforts. But not with journalism and not by E-mail.

These texts speak for themselves! MB
