Latest Chapter on the Plight of the Gush Katif Refugees from Rachel Saperstein …

O’ Precious Key


We are still in the hotel room that we call home. Little by little families are moving out to join their friends and neighbors from Neve Dekalim already living in the Nitzan trailer camp. We watch the hotel trolley carrying out the last of the valises, the plastic drawers on wheels, the children’s clothing thrown into supermarket bags, the Shabbat dresses still on hangars. The contents of the ship container have already been unpacked and placed, a bit askew, into the small trailers. Larger pieces are stored in a backyard shed. The cars are loaded, the children pile in, and we wave goodbye.”

“No precious key. No advance on our compensation. No word. No word at all.”

“Harassment, psychological warfare, playing with our heads. The communities want to live together. This was our cry to the government. Please do not disperse us. We are people who lived through five years of bombardment, of seeing our friends killed or injured by Arab terrorists. We experienced the trauma of expulsion from our homes and communities. We’ve watched our synagogues burn, our farms destroyed, our businesses in ruins, our children scattered in makeshift schools around the country. Nowhere in the history of modern Israel has this happened to the Jewish people.”
