Beneath the Kadima Mindset; Rabin in Reverse: If They’re Not Good Boys, We’ll Just Give Them More …

Column One: ‘Let’s Ignore Hamas’, by Caroline Glick


HAMAS’S RISE to power renders it all but impossible to deny the connection between the insurgency in Iraq and the global jihad in general and the Palestinian war with Israel. Indeed, in his first statement as foreign minister, Mahmoud Zahar attacked the US claiming, “America is committing big crimes against the Arab and Islamic countries.”

Yet as Hamas prepares for war on all levels, Israel is about to form a government led either by Kadima or Labor whose politicians insist on pretending that there is no problem here. Kadima’s plan to remove Israeli communities and IDF forces from Judea and Samaria is based on an abject refusal to admit that the areas abandoned will be taken over by Hamas. Furthermore, as Olmert has repeatedly stated, Kadima refuses to acknowledge that Hamas is even a threat to Israel.

For its part, Labor believes that it is still possible to negotiate an agreement with the Palestinians in spite of the fact that they elected Hamas to lead them. Labor believes that Abbas, who has never lifted a finger to fight terrorism and has been incapable of making any constructive steps toward peaceful coexistence with Israel, is a viable partner for negotiations. As well, its leaders have expressed a willingness to negotiate with Hamas.

The Taliban’s rise to power was greeted by indifference from the international community. Every once in awhile, Mullah Omar and his buddies would be caught stoning women to death or blowing up Buddhist monuments and would receive global reprimands for a few days.

Although it was shunned by all countries except Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the Taliban’s global isolation did not seem to inhibit its commitment to jihad. In the end, the Taliban were only forced to change the way they did business when the US military brought down their regime after they enabled the September 11 attacks.

Is there anyone willing to draw any lesson from the last jihadist government in their dealings with the newest one?


In 1993, when Oslo began as Gaza-Jericho First, to this author’s recollection, Yitzchak Rabin was heard to have said in essence, “if they’re bad boys, we’ll just go and take it back.” The left and it’s government media arm had not yet soo mesmorized the people that they would meekly, lamely and mindlessly tolerate and accept such a concept as “unilateral withdrawals, disengagements or “convergence.”

Under Sharon and Olmert, these concepts have been reduced to art-form as the left and the media have laid oall of the groundwork and the Israeli electorate stands mind-numbed, lame and totally devoid of Jewish self-esteem, self-worth. MB
