Regime Still Denying and Cheating Gush Katif Refugees Out of What is Theirs …

Who Gave the Order to Change Property Appraisals?, by Moti Sender


Information received by the Legal Forum for Eretz Israel indicates that the Government Appraiser told external assessors hired to give their professional opinion on which to base refugees’ rights to compensation, that they should change their original reports so that the amount of compensation would be substantially reduced. “This gross intervention in assessors’ appraisals is very worrying”, wrote Attorney Yitzhak Meiron, one of the heads of the Legal Forum, to Ami Lindner, Chairman of the Expulsion Administration’s Eligibility Committee.

The Legal Forum says that some of the assessors appear to have rejected the demand to rewrite their reports, and as a result the Government Appraiser was forced to order his own people to hand out reduced assessments without them having ever seen the assets in question. The Forum points out that this is equivalent to a physician writing a medical opinion about a patient without having seen him. It has asked the Ombudsman to open an investigation into the way compensation for the Gush Katif refugees are being calculated.

For more detail as to the current Matzav of the Gush Katif refugees,
Click on
15 June, 2006: Report on the Current Condition of the Gush Katif Communities


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