Realignment has “Disappeared”: “Tell Me Lies, Tll Me Sweet Little Lies…”

Peres: Realignment has “Disappeared”

“Vice Premier Shimon Peres said Sunday that the plan to pull out of parts of the West Bank has “disappeared” in light of fighting with the Palestinians and the Lebanese-based Hezbollah militia.”


But can we ever again believe anything Peres or any other politician says?

For context, click and reread numerous posts regarding Olmert and the cause he has championed; “convergence,” “consolidation,” “realignment” — the Expulsions of Jews from parts of Jewish Land, of Eretz Yisrael.

And consider this;

Olmert Pushing Roadmap Plan


“Analysts explained that… the Roadmap Plan is all Olmert has left on the political horizon. They further explain that Olmert is hoping that progress on the Roadmap front may deflect a growing national sentiment demanding an independent commission of inquiry into the war in Lebanon, a move the prime minister strongly opposes.

And based on Olmert’s track record, progress can only mean to the meaningless piece of tissue paper reflecting surrender and appeasement.

This blog wrote 6 days ago; The elitist Olmert ilk mindset: If “convergence”, unilateral wihdrawal doesn’t work and is not apporpriate, then we must restart talks with the Palestinians for we must leave the “west bank” by whatever spin or camouflauge available. MB


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