More Cruel, Vindictive Governmental Red-Tape Heaped Upon Gush Katif Expellees

Gush Katif Farmers Must Give Up Compensation To Receive Land

Full Text;

The Cabinet decided Sunday to offer land to expelled Gush Katif farmers but only on condition that they renounce compensation for their former land and that the newly allocated farm be situated in the Negev or Galilee. After 15 months since being forced out of their communities, many Gush Katif farmers still are without permanent land for agriculture.

The farmers, many of whom are in their 60s, also must work the land themselves and may not rent it to others.


This is a short report, but it raises many questions.

For instance, regarding the Cabinet’s decision to conditionally offer land to expelled Gush Katif farmers if;

  • “They renounce compensation for their former land”: What about the farmers’ lost revenues over the past 15 months?
  • The farm be situated in the Negev or Galilee: Why must they be limited to Negev or Galilee as to where they can re-settle themselves?
  • Why must only they work the land? Why are they being prohibited from renting the land out for revenue?
  • Why must the former Gush Katif residents agree to any sort of restrictive conditions when their Gush Katif lands were stolen out from under them at legalized gunpoint?

It seems obvious that these conditions constitute further cruel, vindictive governmental red-tape.

And it was only a little over a month ago that outgong Sela head Jonathan Bassi, in a total turn-around from his previous demeanor, uttered these words; that the refugees are “‘victims’ of a government policy and are owed ‘almost anything.’” MB
