The Known Equation of ME; Hundreds of Jews = Target, Hundreds of Arabs Protecting Terrorist = Humanitarian Protection

From One Mother to Another, by Paula R. Stern (Israel National News)

“Put hundreds of Israelis in one location and the Palestinians would see this as a delectable target, and wonder how they could kill them. Put hundreds of Palestinians in one location, even protecting a terrorist’s house, and the Israeli army will not hit it. This is now the known equation of the Middle East and even the United Nations cannot deny it.”

“To Palestinian mothers, I say: you must choose. If you value your children’s lives, keep them safe and away from danger. If you value your weapons over your children, and send them to protect the homes of terrorists who endanger our children, then they cannot be called innocent.”

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Twice now, Palestinians have used their bodies to prevent the Israeli army from attacking the home of a known terrorist; and twice now, the Israeli army has buckled under the threat of a “humanitarian” disaster.

After the apparent defeat of the Israeli army by unarmed masses, Israelis must once again question the leadership of this government, which consistently fails to explain to the world that those who defend terrorists are not innocent, those who support ongoing rocket bombardments of our civilians perpetuate the threat to democracy and peace in the Middle East.

While the Palestinians dance in victory and more rockets land in Sderot, I have a message for Palestinian mothers (and fathers), and for our own government and army. It is a very simple message that I wish to present clearly and without hesitancy or even regret.

Years ago, I was walking down a main street in Jerusalem holding one daughter’s hand while conversing with another. Suddenly, there was an extremely loud popping noise. Everyone stopped and the hustle and bustle of a major thoroughfare quieted to a whisper. Just ahead of us, two security guards came running from a side street toward what sounded like an explosion while people froze on the sidewalk, unsure of what to do, where to go. I was sure a bus had exploded.

I waited for the sirens, the screams, the acrid smell of smoke. But this time, luck was with us and the eyes never saw what the mind imagined. Slowly, people began talking and walking, but I stood there, tightly clasping my daughter’s hand, slower than most to return to normal life.

On that day, my daughters were never in danger and didn’t need my protection, but my instincts were correct. It is important to help, but first and foremost, keep your children from danger.

In the past few weeks alone, several Israelis have been hurt; their lives irreparably changed. A young man lost his legs, another boy still fights for his life. One woman was killed, and daily, our citizens in Sderot and the surrounding areas fear to go out lest the 15-second incoming rocket warning catch them in the open.

To avoid casualties, Israel sometimes chooses to warn its target. Leave now. You will lose your weapons cache, but not your lives. Sadly, as we have seen again and again, the Palestinians prefer to protect their ammunitions by placing them in civilian areas and homes. Nevertheless, Israel warns, evacuate the innocent.

In the past few months, Palestinians were warned by Israel. First, there was Mohammed Baroud, commander of the Salah A-Din Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees, and now, Ibrahim Juma, an Islamic Jihad activist in the Gaza Strip. Both men are dedicated to violence, terror and hatred.

What would you do if you were warned that one of the most powerful armies in the Middle East – one known for hitting its targets and hitting them well – was about to target a building in your neighborhood? It’s likely you know who lives there, but even if not, what would you do?

From my experience, as a mother, you would grab your children and rush them to shelter, away from danger. In Jerusalem, I hesitated because I didn’t know where safety was.

Palestinian terrorists often plan multiple attacks to catch the innocent as they attempt to flee, or the caregivers who rush to give aid. Never are we warned of an impending attack. Then again, their goal is not to hit a stockpile of weapons hidden in a civilian neighborhood, but the very civilians themselves. If they warn Israelis, they will defeat their purpose, because, unlike the Israeli army, their goal is murder and mayhem of innocents, not the prevention of an impending attack.

To protect, to seek shelter, to avoid harm for your children and loved ones – this is the way of motherhood. This is what parents do. Except, apparently, in Gaza, where supposedly innocent bystanders rushed forward to protect the house of a known terrorist. With their bodies and lives, they dared the Israeli army to shoot at its target. There was no claim that weapons were not there, that the men were innocent. Rather, in defiance and with pride, they put their bodies in front of Israeli missiles.

And in these moments, the Middle East equation becomes crystal clear, as several things happened:

* The Israeli army proves its humanity by not firing into a crowd of people despite the known accuracy of the target. That is to the honor of our army’s humanity and to the detriment of our people’s safety, because these men and others will go on to plan more rocket attacks. It is their way.

* And the Palestinians, including Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, who rushed to protect Baroud’s house, show that they recognize our humanity.

Put hundreds of Israelis in one location and the Palestinians would see this as a delectable target, and wonder how they could kill them. Put hundreds of Palestinians in one location, even protecting a terrorist’s house, and the Israeli army will not hit it. This is now the known equation of the Middle East and even the United Nations cannot deny it.

“We are so proud of this national stand. It’s the first step toward protecting our homes, the homes of our children,” said Haniyeh. And Israel’s response must be very simple. You are protecting the homes of your children, but we are protecting our children.

Fair warning has been given. The option is yours. At first, everyone froze. Next time, Israel must open fire and destroy the weapons cache and the terrorists’ dwellings; whatever it takes to keep our children safe. True innocents do not protect weapons piles and real parents do not intentionally allow their children to be endangered.

To the Israeli army and government, I say that you endanger us all by holding fire against a known terrorist site after giving fair warning. The might and strength of our soldiers means nothing if you lack the courage to use it. Those who defend terrorists are threaten our existence and it is your job to protect our citizens. We all know the simple truth: if you fire once on the building and prove you do not lack the courage to protect Israel, then this inhumane exploitation of Palestinian women and children will end.

To Palestinian mothers, I say: you must choose. If you value your children’s lives, keep them safe and away from danger. If you value your weapons over your children, and send them to protect the homes of terrorists who endanger our children, then they cannot be called innocent. To your leadership, they are tools, but you are their mother.

Many thanks to Paula Stern for the article which appears on her site as well as on the INN site.
