Insane, But True: Israel Gave PA Weapons, Now Give Jordan Valley Land for Training — Soon Both to be Unleashed Against US!

Israel to Let Presidential Guard Train [Battalion Size Formations] Near West Bank City of Jericho IMRA

[Dr. Aaron Lerner – IMRA: The Hebrew version of the item reads “the
Presidential Guard does not operate in battalion size formations rather in
smaller formations” rather than the English version ‘”unable”. ]


“Israel agreed to extensive training of members of the Presidential Guard of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in areas near Jericho, in the Jordan Valley.”

“The Palestinian Presidential Guard is undergoing similar training in Egypt. The training of units can reach battalion size formations, even though during their operations in the territories – in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank – the Presidential Guard is unable to operate in such formations.”


Don’t we learn the lessons of Oslo? Again and again, we give an avowed enemy arms. Now we allow them to train on Jewish sovereign land. Is it not but a matter of time until Frankenstein’s monster; the weaponry and training is turned against it’s benefactor — US? MB


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