2nd Take: The Likud Primary, Moshe Feiglin and the Likud Gush Katif Referendum


Quite a few people have told me over this campaign that they can’t perceive of Moshe Feiglin and Manhigut Yehudit winning this or any Likud primary.

There are comments like; He’s too unknown, He has no legislative background or experience, Manhigut Yehudit is too small a movement, he could never win national election — that Likud would end up with less seats in Knesset than now, even single-digit numbers.

But, guess what people; victory seems waiting for us on Primary Day. It’s like “the Tugger used to say; “Ya Gotta Believe!” read more


More Evidence that Demographic “Threat” is Bogus Dud Covering True Left Agenda


Demographic threat? Nonsense, By David Rubin (Jerusalem Post)

“The demographic argument of those who advocate Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria, whether unilateral or negotiated…, ignores both the steady high birthrates of the Jewish population in Judea and Samaria and the ongoing and increasing emigration of the Arab population from those areas. The media rarely notes that the reports of massive Arab population growth have been deliberately exaggerated…”

Full Text; read more

Friday War News; Kassam Blitz on S’derot; Jews Fed Up, Hurl Eggs and Veggies


3 Kassam Rockets Fall on Sderot; No One Hurt

Related reports:

Man Wounded in Sderot Kassam Attack

Kassam Rocket Strike Western Negev; None Wounded

Citizens Retaliate with Rocket-Powered Eggs on Gaza


“Tel Aviv residents… drove to the area Thursday and fired rocket-powered eggs and vegetables on northern Gaza…. Intention ‘to draw attention to what is going on.’ The group used a home-made launcher loaded with organic food.”


But what about if we fire rocket-powered chazir at them? MB read more


Latest in Peace Now’s Ongoing Attack on Chareidi Housing in Matityahu East [Kiryat Sefer]


Peace Now’s war on Chareidi property owners in the Modiin development of Matityahu East [Kiryat Sefer] moves ever closer to a show-down, or possibly the more appropriate term may be a smack-down, in the High court.

And so the question asked in earlier posts on this blog seems more and more pertinent; Will the Chareidim Leave the Beis Medrash for Their Brothers in Kiryat Sefer? And more importantly, will will lovers of the Land of Israel from non-Chareidi sectors unite as brothers to defend the Divine Right of ALL Jews to own homes and live in any part of Eretz Yisrael? MB read more


Thursday War News: Kassams, Attacks on IDF, Illegals and Terrorist Training on Computer Game


Does Holocaust Bergson Group-Style Action by Jewish World Against Iran Substitute for Military Attack?


Hillel Kook, aka Peter Bergson


Theres’s no question that worldwide, unified Jewish action will help in the battle against Ahmadinejad’s Iraqi nuclearization. But, ultimately, the only thing which will eradicate it, or set it back years or decades is an Osirak-style Israeli attack. But since the Olmert regime considers itself inadequate and “too tired” to properly defend the Jewish nation, we are therefore left with halfway measures. MB read more


Implications of Olmert Regime’s Concession to Abbas of 41 Iraqi Descendants of Arabs Who Fled Israel

Click for context, regarding Endangerment of Israel’s Ultimate Red Line; No Arab ‘Right of Return.’

PA Official: Immigration of 40 Paves Way For 18,000

Full Text;

Following Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s concession, allowing 40 decedents of Arabs who left Israel in 1948 to emigrate to Judea and Samaria, Palestinian Authority officials say they are already working on using the precedent to bring about the immigration of 18,000 Arabs in Iraq to Judea and Samaria.

PA Minister of Information Riyad al-Malki told the PA-controlled Maan News Agency that the return of the 40 paves the way for the return of “all the Palestinian refugees.” read more


Wednesday War News; Action in Gaza, Judea and Samaria; Arab Arson in Carmel?
