Was Olmert’s Account of R’ Ovadia’s “Bracha” Staged?


This blog asked yesterday if Shas was playing for subsidies or other types of monetization from the Olmert regime by being in the coalition and by way of a “bracha” from R’ Ovadia Yosef.

Today we hear denials from Shas which state, regarding the alleged bracha ‘Do not fear and do not lose resolve, for I am with you,’ “that the rabbi does not use that expression and made no such statement.”

If the Shas denial is in fact truthful and accurate, then what does it say about the truthfulness and forthrightness of Ehud Olmert? What does it say about Olmert’s pledge to Shas and R’ Ovadia about “core negotiations” regarding Jerusalem?

There are a lot of reasons why Shas should leave the government NOW.
And this case of lie and fabrication ought to make the case for leaving even more compelling. For there is about as much chance of Olmert being truthful and forthright with Shas regarding negotiation stages as there is that Shas will ever see even one shekel of subsidy. MB

Shas Says Olmert Staged Rabbi Yosef’s Phone Blessing

Full Text;

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, trying to shore up support before the release of the Winograd Committee report Wednesday evening, falsely stated that Sephardic Rabbi Ovadia Yosef expressed his support for him by using a phrase from the Bible, the Post reported. Rabbi Yosef is the spiritual leader of the Shas party, a crucial part of the Olmert coalition government.

The office of the Prime Minister reported Tuesday that the rabbi phoned and quoted from the Bible, “Do not fear and do not lose resolve, for I am with you.” Shas officials told the newspaper that the rabbi does not use that expression and made no such statement.

“The real story is that Olmert requested that the rabbi call him to wish him well,” a Shas official said. He added that the phone call lasted for one minute.
