Electric and Utility Sanctions Against Gaza: Will Israel Embarrass Herself Before the Nations by Bowing to Pressure to Back Off?


Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA (Independent Media Research and Analysis) hits the nail on the head warning that Israeli sanctions are a lame substitute for doing what needs to be done — destroying, eradicating the PA terror army and their cache of weapons, explosives and ammunition from Egypt. This author expands on Lerner’s position — that if the PA terror army is to be destroyed, the cache of weapons eliminated must extend to that supplied by the US, the very weaponry which would have come into play had the alleged PA guards’ assassination plot on prime minister Olmert actually been attempted. read more

Another Ill-Conceived Conflict; Goal: Multinational Force, Not Victory


Will a Gaza conflict be a replay of Olmert’s 2006 summer Lebanon conflict? Has Israel’s military strategy of winning a war and vanquishing an enemy sworn to our destruction, so degraded in recent years to the point of fighting a conflict with the goal being introduction of international forces with their record impairing and further degrading Israel’s military capability as well as degrading Jewish national sovereignty? MB

IDF Exit Plan: Gaza Invasion Will Bring Multinational Force, by Yaakov Katz (Jerusalem Post) read more

Very Predictable: Mazuz Bleeds for Arabs, Ignores Sderot’s Children



As predicted on this blog a few days ago, electrical power cut sanctions against Gaza are to be suspended. The suspension is upon order of Attorney General Mazuz.

For context regarding Israel’s planned sactions against Gaza,
click here. MB

Atty. Gen. Mazuz Orders Power Cuts in Gaza Suspended, by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz (Israel National News)


While not rejecting outright the option of power cuts to the Hamas-controlled Gaza region in response to continued enemy rocket attacks from the PA, Attorney General Menachem Mazuz said Monday night that the measure should be suspended. The government requires Mazuz’s approval in order to carry out the sanctions. read more


To the Regime: Stop Apologizing for Israel’s Legitimate Right to Self-Defense


The cloaking of sanctions against Gaza, i.e. reduction in provision of Israeli power and other supplies, by Israel’s current regime as a continuation of “disengagement” is nothing less than apologetics for Israel’s legitimate, inalienable rights as a sovereign nation to defend itself and to secure it’s people and it’s sacred national land. Any sovereign nation, on its own land, has this inherent national entitlement.

Here are pertinent quotes from the Jerusalem Post opinion piece No Security, No Power which make this fundamental point; read more


Shabbos War News: Kassam Barrage, Khan Younis Work Accident, Explosive Device at Fence; Arab Arrested for Knife Possession, Arab Illegals Arrested
